The kids all survived the intensity block we did over the past week. It was not easy. Lots of L3 and L4 intervals in a short 5 day timespan. Everyone seemed to actually enjoy the work though, especially Jane, who liked telling me how much fun she was having as I was panting on the ground after another 10 minute lap of natural intervals.
The weather has progressively cooled through the weeks we have been here, but we have still at least seen some sunlight every day, and we have only actually been rained on during a workout once. Saturday most of the kids took the SATs, which was an interval workout in and of itself. In the afternoon we did a pace run on the trails up beyond the Sun Valley ski center, and yesterday was completely off. For the next few days we are doing some hiking, biking, and other fun things to finish off the camp. Keeping active but nothing too strenuous.